Compliance with the Capital Markets Coffee Exchange Regulations 2020

The Capital Markets (Coffee Exchange) Regulations, 2020 granted the Capital Markets Authority (the Authority) the
mandate to licence Coff ee Exchange(s) and Coffee Brokers. Consequently, the Authority has so far licensed twelve coffee
brokers. The list of the licensed coffee brokers is published on the Capital Markets Authority website
The Nairobi Coffee Exchange (NCE) was on 1 May 2023 granted a three (3) months extension of its in-principle approval to
continue operating as a Coffee Exchange until 31 July 2023. This extension is meant to give the NCE time to work towards
full compliance with The Capital Markets (Coffee Exchange) Regulations, 2020 including but not limited to onboarding a
Direct Settlement System (DSS) provider.
In line with the Authority’s mandate, of not only regulating but also facilitating the development of orderly, fair, and
efficient capital and commodities markets in Kenya, the Authority supports smooth transition of the Coffee Subsector
reforms and hereby:
1. Invites Growers across the country to note the two sets of Regulations governing the Coffee Sub-sector that is; The
Capital Markets (Coffee Exchange) Regulations,2020 and The Crops (Coffee) (General) Regulations, 2019 and to only
contract coffee brokers who are duly licensed by the Authority.
2. Advises any person already contracted to sell coffee on behalf of Growers without a coffee broker licence shall not
enter into new contractual arrangements since only duly licensed coffee brokers by the Authority are authorized
to conduct such business. However, such persons have a viable option of selling stocks currently held through the
licensed coffee brokers.
3. Notifies the public that, trading at the NCE shall be under new Trading Rules aligned to The Capital Markets (Coffee
Exchange) Regulations,2020 and that settlement shall be conducted through a Direct Settlement System (DSS) for
transparent and efficient settlement of coffee sales proceeds.
In the interim, any person desirous of obtaining a coffee broker licence should fully comply with the provisions of The Capital
Markets (Coffee Exchange) Regulations,2020 and The Crops (Coffee) (General) Regulations, 2019.
Compliance with the Capital Markets Coffee Exchange Regulations 2020